Affirmations to Bring You Peace and Confidence

Why are affirmations important…and, what are they in the first place?! People use affirmations for a variety of purposes. Generally speaking, affirmations are used to reprogram the subconscious mind, to encourage us to believe certain things about ourselves or about the world and our place within it. They are also used to help us create the reality we want—often in terms of making (or attracting) wealth, love, beauty, and happiness.

Here are 15 affirmations to help you welcome peace, hope and confidence:

1. i breathe in courage, i exhale doubt.
2. i focus on what i can control and let go of what i can’t.
3. i am proud of my body and what it is capable of doing.
4. my body is sacred and i will take care of it.
5. i am worthy of the best life has to offer.
6. i say “no” to what doesn’t serve me.
7. i am worthy of the compliments i receive.
8. i accept others as they are; and they, in turn, accept me.
9. i am healing and becoming the person i want to be.
10. someone else’s inability to love does not define my worth.
12. i do not blame others. i take responsibility for my own life.
13. my gifts are needed in this world. there is space for me and my talent in this world. i will share my gifts courageously and confidently.
14. my strength is greater than any struggle.
15. i am stepping into the most successful season of my life.

your mind is where you spend most of your time. make it a happy place. make it a place that hypes you up. speak to yourself the way you would do your best friend. you are worthy of good things.

your virtual bff


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