12 Things to Leave Behind

mandy ansari jensen new york city mental health

Whenever a new year begins, we talk a lot about what we want to add into our life. Have you ever wondered why we don’t talk about what we need to leave in the past? A key component to adding good things to your life successfully is ridding yourself of the past. Without leaving things behind, we have no room to invite good into our lives. We must make space before we add. Here are some of the things I’m leaving behind as 2023 starts.

1. Comparison and limiting beliefs
2. Friendships and relationships that don’t bring you joy and don’t encourage growth
3. Blaming yourself for things you can’t control
4. Pressuring people to change who simply won’t and don’t want to
5. Not clearly communicating your needs (friendly reminder that nobody can read your mind)
6. Values you didn’t choose and that no longer serve you
7. Lack of boundaries (with yourself and others)
8. Self-sabotaging behaviors and negative self-talk
9. Playing it safe 100% of the time (be bold and take risks, honey)
10. Crippling fear of being disliked (you’re not for everyone and that’s ok 💁🏻‍♀️)
11. “It doesn’t affect me, so it’s not my problem” mentality (if everyone always operated this way, you probably wouldn’t be here today 🤷🏻‍♀️ empathy makes the world go ‘round)
12. Neglecting your mental and physical health

What did I miss? Here’s to growth and evolving this year and all the ones to come.


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