Feeling Stuck? It's Ok.

are you feeling stuck right now? it happens. take a deep breath, remember that you’re exactly where you need to be and remind yourself that it’s ok if you:

1. feel stuck right now
2. thought you were “over it,” but suddenly grief hit you all over again (there’s no timeline for healing and it comes in waves)
3. want things you can’t have
4. change your mind
5. struggle with comparing yourself to others
6. are having doubts about your relationship
7. are confusing compliments and the approval of others with your self-worth
8. are outgrowing a person, place or thing. it’s also okay for them to outgrow you. not everything is meant to stay forever.
9. are having trouble letting go. give yourself the space and time to heal. new beginnings are often disguised as difficult endings.

remember, you’re human and being human is messy, imperfect…but, also beautiful. go easy on yourself. if you’re reading this, you made it through another day and i’m proud of you (because life is hard and surviving takes a lot of work + resilience sometimes)


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Creamy Eggplant Hummus Dip