5 Tips To Be The Hostess With The Absolute Mostest

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Southern hospitality isn’t just reserved for trips down south or the one-and-only Martha Stewart. Hospitality is something that people really love and appreciate, and being hospitable is a wonderful way to show you care and to set a wonderful foundation for a meaningful connection or time with friends and family. Everyone hosts differently, so if you’re new to this, welcome (literally!). Remember that you can add your own unique touch to hosting, whatever that may be for you, and have fun with it. The goal is to be kind, to be welcoming, to be considerate of others’ needs, and to be a resource to help them feel at home, happy, and taken care of. While it may seem like a lot of pressure to ensure that your guests have an amazing time with you, it really is more simple than you think, so we wanted to share five simple tips that can help anyone to be the best host of all time (or at least give Martha a run for her money, with all due respect).

Tidy Up And Clean Up

Everyone has a different standard of clean, but the number one tip that shouldn’t be overlooked is to do your best to tidy up and clean (deep clean, surface clean, whatever you got time for) because it’s most likely the first thing that someone will notice when they come into your space. Do a quick 30-minute power clean or rally a friend (girlfriend, boyfriend, roommate, sibling) to help you bring some order to your space before inviting others so you can focus on what matters most - spending time together.

Stock Up on The Good Stuff

There are few things worse than visiting a new place or being in someone else’s home and having to try to figure out how you’re going to let them know you’ve been stranded in the bathroom for 15 minutes with no toilet paper. Stock up on the good stuff, like toilet paper, hand soap, hand towels, and paper towels, so you don’t even have to wonder if your guest is avoiding you in the bathroom or if they’re stranded and too shy to speak up. If you’ve got overnight guests, be sure to have clean linens and towels on deck and ready for your guests (pro tip, lay them neatly in the room or area where they are staying).

Have Beverage and Snack Options Ready to Go

It’s always super considerate to keep some beverage options and snack options ready to roll out for your guests. Make sure you’ve got some water ready to go, maybe some sodas, juices, or even cocktails, and some friendly snacks so that you don’t have to rummage around trying to find something when someone gets a little bit hungry (which will most likely happen). It’s always nice to ask your guests if they’d like something to eat or drink upon arrival, and if you’re hosting a few friends, having a snack or food spread out with some drink options in a common area is a great way to show that you’re really thoughtful and a superstar host.

Set Some Boundaries

This is your home and your space, so make sure to let your guests know what they can do to respect your home and your space by communicating your boundaries clearly and kindly. If you prefer for guest to remove their shoes, let them know when they come in so they can do so. If you have areas that are off-limits, let people know upfront so you can enjoy each others’ presence without feeling disrespected or upset.

be present

Above all, the best gift you can give to your guests is to be fully present. If you can, put your phone away or on do-not-disturb, and do your best to be as present as you can with the people you are sharing time with. This will allow you to be in tune to their needs as well, which will naturally make you a wonderful host if you give your time and attention to your guests.


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